Tuesday, December 31, 2002

If, in one way or another, you're interested in HIV/AIDS education and young people, a good summary of key issues has just been published (1). I never used to see much relevance of ideas produced from practice across a number of countries (especially resource poor contexts) to what happened in the UK. I've also met with a number of HIV/AIDS professionals who have believed the same (whether this be in work with young people or gay men). It's partly a problem of contextuality and generalization. Better, perhaps, in recognition that no single approach will suit all purposes, to consider the extent to which ideas can be extrapolated from one setting to another (2). I was never quite sure whether a lack of consideration was to do with the text (a lack of relevance), or my approach to it (lack of imagination). Could be either, but personal tactics seemed to have made visible UN system strategies (3)
(1) IIEP/UNESCO (2002), 'HIV/AIDS & Education. A Strategic Approach', Paris, IIEP/UNESCO.
(2) Patton, M.Q. (1997), Utilization-Focused Evaluation. The New Century Text, London, Sage.
(3) Ideas about tactics and strategies from De Certau. See Buchanan, I. (2001), Michel De Certau Cultural Theorist, London, Sage.


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