Thursday, August 04, 2005

Starting over

It's been a long time. Plenty of material has been kept in my diary but too much personal stuff. Like David Sedaris I should find a way to make the personal pubic. He writes well, is funny, and I'm sad when I get to the end of a story. I liked 'Dress Your Family in... ' best

Light fiction helps when managing one's way through the spooky London transport system. Tube journeys are down 5-15% during weekdays, 30% weekends. I'm going overground and bus today.

Friend decided to get a motorbike as it would be safer to travel around London on. Greater freedom? Yes. Use less petrol? Yes. Nip through traffic? Yes.

  1. Motorcyclists represent a large proportion of road casualties in relation to their numbers. They make up around 1% of road traffic, but suffer around 18% of deaths and serious injuries
  2. Motorcyclists remain the most vulnerable road users. They are 30 times
    more likely to be killed than car users and 4 times more likely to be killed than
    cyclists. LINK

Still, actual probabilities mean little when there are distressing and unpredictable outcomes to consider


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