Friday, December 23, 2005

To the Battersea Arts Centre...

... to see Adrienne Howells. A charming evening.

Adrienne welcomed us individually and we sat in a theatre got up to look like a sitting room: sofas, christmas tree, mulled wine, lovely. A few party games, some anecdotes and stories, and a Christmas gift.

The evening worked pretty much - but a few more stories from the audience about their Christmasses would have gone down well. With a format like this, Adrienne could hand over a little more to others - it's the guests, and the interactions between them, that become interesting, and Adrienne's role might, become more one of animating the audience.

Nonetheless, a surprising, delighful and gentle show. Recommended.

Monday, December 19, 2005

To West India Quay Cineworld...

... to see the Chronicles of Narnia.

Dreadful. Innocent children caught up in a battle. They learn to fight through a a belief in their righteousness - does learning about military strategy and battle training count for nothing? All men have to do, it seems, is to reach into their soul and fighting comes easily. What does that say about us?

Over two hours. Nothing much happens. Well, after an hour and a half I was willing them back into their wardrobe.

Sunday, December 18, 2005


I've never been one for Mozart and was even, in a dull then argumentative turn, bothered enough to row about him with a talented musical boyfriend. Yet, until this week, I'd not given him much more thought.

Then, I imagined Norman Lebrecht's article being read aloud - in a vituperative, bitter tone - it really is nasty and very welcome.

I was halfway through the article when I remembered a night at the Vauxhall Tavern, some years ago now, when the Divine David read out a piece written by Julie Burchill on the death of Princess Diana. It appeared in the Evening Standard and I'd read it just a few hours earlier, thinking it was, well, kind of critical.

The Divine David's rendition, every word spat out, made me realise that the register in which I read disguises too much.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Pam Ayres

Pam Ayres, Thur, 13 April, Bloomsbury Theatre.

In the meantime, here's a seasonal offering, passed onto me by Jonathan

Stuff done ...

It's been a rather eclectic mix of stuff happening: Leeds Castle firework spectacular; various films at Peckham multiplex (Libertine, Nanny McPhee, Mrs Henderson, Doom among others); Mikado at New Wimbledon Theatre (strange); News Quiz recording; and Kiki and Herb

Added to that, every Wednesday night has been a therapeutic trip. Fifty mins every week to talk about oneself is a welcome luxury and great stabiliser.